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Primary 4

Primary 4

Updated Tuesday 29th september

Prayer:  School prayers can be found here


Spelling: This week’s spelling words are:

St. Michael     protector    brave    strong  justice    loving  guardian     archangel    community     together

Play Buzz with someone in your home.

  • Count the letters in your words
  • Count the sounds in your words
  • Create 5 sentences using two of your spelling words in each sentence – write or speak them aloud (record on phone, if you like)
  • Grammar: Feeling bossy? Try these command sentences ->

Handwriting: Click here to practice your letter formation


Reading & Writing

Watch The Lighthouse.

Ask your child to create dialogue (speech) involving the lighthouse keeper and the residents of the town.

Encourage your child to lay the dialogue out like a script:-

Lighthouse keeper: I really wish the locals would quieten down!

                                I want to read my paper!

Man one:                 Oh dear! The lighthouse light isn’t shining!

And so on.
















Additional story links -

Active Time!  YouTube ‘Just Dance Kids’. Have a go, click here.

Story time!

You choose – maybe have a snack around now?

Times Tables & Problem Solving practice: Play hit the button to practice 3, 6, 4 times tables. Remember to challenge yourself and hit the answer!

Problem Solving: Solve these problems by drawing a picture.



Maths & Numeracy: Adding two-digit numbers. Watch the videos and have a go at the activities. 


Counting in 10s (up to 100 & backwards)


Place Value

Multiplication & Division


Word problem-

Addition & Subtraction



Topic Time: Find out about a member of your family and create a fact- file about them.

Things to investigate - >

  • Where were they born?
  • What decade where they born in?
  • What was number one in the music charts when they were born?
  • What subjects did they like at school?
  • What things are they good at now?
  • Which country would they most like to visit?
  • What would be their number one choice to eat for a special celebration dinner?
  • Find out something especially interesting about them, for example, do they have a party trick, are they good at karaoke?

Make a fact-file using paper or create a presentation on a device.

Creativity! Make a portrait of your chosen person above. Use any materials you like - pencils, pens, tissue paper, chalks – anything at all.

Technology Time: 

Look around the house with your adult and find a variety of materials – stone, paper, wood, glass, plastic – and discuss their texture and what makes them a good material for the job they do. 


For example, the chopping board might be made of wood and this is a good material because the knife wont slice through the wood, but it will slice through vegetables.



This week is the feast of St. Michael – our patron saint.  St. Michael is known for his magnificent wings and for his protective sword.  Draw the wings and sword and label your picture with all the amazing things about our school.

Read about St. Michael here.






  • Jumpstart Jonny


  • Brain Breaks (Short Workout Videos)


  • Just Dance







P4 St Michael’s Primary

 Home Learning Activities





Prayer: Take some time to reflect on the wonderful things we have, our families, our friends and how we can help others and ourselves today.  School Prayers can be found here



Spelling: This week’s spelling words are – home move picture again change spell away animals house point.

  • Play buzz with someone in your home.
  • Find words within your words.
  • Write out 5 simple sentences. Try your best to up level them using adjectives, adverbs and powerful verbs.

Grammar: Have a go at these activities for fronted adverbials.


Handwriting: Click here to practice your letter formation


Active Time!  Youtube “Just dance kids”. Have a go at following the videos.


Story time!


Times Tables & Problem Solving practice: Play hit the button to practice 3, 6, 4, 8, 9 times tables. Remember to challenge yourself and hit the answer!

Problem Solving: Solve these problems by drawing a picture.


Holly lined up her 39 teddy bears in a row. She chose every 5th teddy in the row to go on holiday with her. How many were chosen?


At a football training session, there were 8 players. If each player passed the ball between each other player once, how many passes were made?


Can you create your own problem to share with your family?



Maths & Numeracy: Fractions. Watch the videos and have a go at the activities for showing a fraction on a number line.



Topic Time: Choose a historygeography or Health & Citizenship topic to learn about! Create a small presentation to share with your family.


Creativity! Make a self-portrait. Use any materials you like! Pencils, pens, tissue paper or even lego.


Technology Time: 
Design a balance scale using home materials. Here is an example to help you.





Pick up where your child left of from their homework.

Ask them to read the words aloud. However, only concentrate on 10 a week.


  • Spell your words aloud without looking at the spelling.
  • Pick 3 words and find their meaning in the dictionary.    
  •  Clap the number of syllables for each word.
  • Write 3 sentences using your words.
  • Pick 3 words and draw a picture of the words.



  • Pick a book or watch a story or a fairy-tale that they are familiar with .
  • Once they have watched the story ask them to summarise the ending.
  • Ask them to create a new ending and draw a picture of it.
  • Finally, ask them to write a few sentences explaining their alternative ending.







  • This week we are going to write a piece of persuasive writing by creating a poster.
  • First, think about something that you care about and would like to change. For example, it could be climate change, healthy eating or exercise. You could create a mindmap to help you think of ideas.
  • Watch the youtube video to help you include all the features of persuasive writing and help you to create a poster.



Daily maths counting!


Counting in 10s (up to 100 & backwards)

Counting in 6s (up to 60 & backwards)

Counting in 7s (up to 70)


Challenge! – Ask a family member to pick a random number between 1 and 10. Can you count up in 10s from there?


Use your number square to help you


Remember to use as much concrete, pictorial and abstract strategies as you like!




Place Value


Multiplication & Division


Word problem-


Addition & Subtraction





Check out this free website with Carol Vorderman with lots of great fun ideas – Maths Factor!


Word problems


Doubling Plant Problem-

Money Problem-




Discuss the school’s patron saint. Why do you think this saint was chosen to be your school’s patron saint?  What did they do?  Was life difficult for them?  Who do you think helped them to be strong and overcome any problems? 

Explain that the Holy Spirit strengthened the faith of the saints and this gave them the courage to continue living their lives in the way of Jesus.  We too can be strengthened by the Holy Spirit and choose to be like Jesus and respond to God’s love in our lives.


Task: Draw St. Michael and write one or two facts about him.




           Pentecost Reporter

Imagine you are a television reporter and you were present at the scene of Pentecost.  Write out three questions you would ask the disciples.  Remember a question usually starts with:

Where?  What?  Why?  When?  How?


  • Type up your final draft of your writing activity.








  • Just dance.


  • Mindfulness









Pick up where your child left of from their homework.

Ask them to read the words aloud. However, only concentrate on 10 a week.


  • Write your words 3 times.
  • Pick 3 words and find an antonym.    
  •  Diacritically mark each word.
  • Write a silly sentence and try to use as many words as you can.
  • Pick 3 words and draw a picture of the words.



  • Pick a book or watch a story that you know your child has not seen before.
  • Once they have watched ask them to name the main characters.
  • Ask them to draw the main character from the story.
  • Finally, ask them to write a few sentences using adjectives to describe their characters personality and what they look like.







  • Write a letter to someone that you miss.
  • Tell them about all the things that you have been doing and what you are looking forward to doing with them.
  • Watch the youtube video to help you include all the features of an informal letter.




Daily maths counting!


Counting in 5s (up to 100 & backwards)

Counting in 6s (up to 60 & backwards)

Counting in 7s (up to 70)


Challenge! – Ask a family member to pick a random number between 1 and 10. Can you count up in 7s from there?


Use your number square to help you


Remember to use as much concrete, pictorial and abstract strategies as you like!






Place Value

Word problems-


Multiplication & Division



Addition & Subtraction





Check out this free website with Carol Vorderman with lots of great fun ideas – Maths Factor!


Word problems



Explains that when we celebrate the feast of Pentecost, we are celebrating the disciples of Jesus receiving the Holy Spirit.   Pentecost happened 50 days after Easter Sunday or 50 days after Jesus rose from the dead. The liturgical colour for Pentecost is red and on Pentecost Sunday the priest wears red vestments.  Show an image of red vestments and altar.

Reads from the bible (Act 2: 1-8) and discusses the story with them.  Where were the disciples?  What strange noise came from the sky?  What touched every person?  What were they filled with?  What could they do that they couldn’t do before?  Do you think they were glad to be filled with the Holy Spirit?  Watch the story of Pentecost.  Available at:


Pentecost Reporter

Imagine you are a television reporter and you were present at the scene of Pentecost.  Write out three questions you would ask the disciples.  Remember a question usually starts with:

Where?  What?  Why?  When?  How?


  • Type up your final draft of your writing activity.







  • Just dance.


  • Mindfulness





Primary 4



P4 St Michael’s Primary

 Home Learning Activities





Prayer: Take some time to reflect on the wonderful things we have, our families, our friends and how we can help others and ourselves today.  School Prayers can be found here



Spelling: This week’s spelling words are – does another well large because here why asked read different.

  • Play buzz with someone in your home.
  • Find words within your words.
  • Write out 5 simple sentences. Try your best to up level them using adjectives, adverbs and powerful verbs.

Reading: Proof reading- have a go at checking work for errors.



Handwriting: Click here to practice your letter formation


Active Time!  Youtube “Just dance kids”. Have a go at following the videos.


Story time!


Times Tables & Problem Solving practice: Play hit the button to practice 3, 6, 4, 8, 9 times tables. Remember to challenge yourself and hit the answer!











Problem Solving: There are eight netball teams representing schools

in the local area. The teams are playing in a netball

competition to decide on the district champion.

It is a knock-out competition, which means that

once a team is beaten they leave the competition.

How many games will be played during the entire




Can you create your own problem to share with your family?

What if there were 24 teams?



Maths & Numeracy: Addition. Watch this maths antics video on addition-

Have a go at these activities for adding 3 digit numbers:


Topic Time: Choose a historygeography or Health & Citizenship topic to learn about! Create a small presentation to share with your family.


Creativity! Use a pencil or a pen to sketch an object at home. Focus on shade and light. Where does the light come from?


Technology Time: 
Build a bridge using household objects.

Here are some examples.





P4 St Michael’s Primary

 Home Learning Activities 10/5/2020





Prayer: Take some time to reflect on the wonderful things we have, our families, our friends and how we can help others and ourselves today.  School Prayers can be found here


Literacy: This week’s phonic sound is for “igh” words

  • play a DJ Cows wordsearch to find some  “igh” words
  • You can use active spelling activities to  write out the following “igh” words: lightning, midnight, frighten, bright, fright, flight, mighty, tights, knight, light, might, sight
  • Diacritically mark your words
  • Write out 5 simple sentences. Try your best to up level them using adjectives, adverbs and powerful verbs.
  • Reading: Similes and metaphors. Answer the questions and have a go at the activities-






Active Time!  Youtube “Cosmic Kids Yoga”. Have a go at following the  videos.


Mindfulness colouring/storyline online.


Times Tables & Problem Solving practice: Play hit the button to practice 3, 6, 4, 8 times tables. Remember to challenge yourself and hit the answer!

Problem Solving: Two adults and two children have been stranded

on an island in a river. They must cross the wide

river to safety, but they only have one canoe. The

canoe can either take one adult or two children at

a time. How can they safely reach the other side?


Can you create your own problem to share with your family?



Maths & Numeracy: Subtraction. Watch this maths antics video on subtraction-

Have a go at these activities for subtracting 3 digit numbers:


Topic Time: Choose a historygeography or Health & Citizenship topic to learn about! Create a small presentation to share with your family.


Creativity! Pick some items from around your home to make a still life. Paint or draw what you see.


Technology Time: 
With the help of an adult create a healthy meal or snack. Can you put together a fruit salad? How about a delicious fruit smoothie?




Week begining 4/5/2020


P4 St Michael’s Primary

 Home Learning Activities





Prayer: Take some time to reflect on the wonderful things we have, our families, our friends and how we can help others and ourselves today.  School Prayers can be found here


Literacy: This week’s phonic sound is for “air” words



Active Time!  Youtube “Cosmic Kids Yoga”. Have a go at following the  videos.


Mindfulness colouring/storyline online.


Times Tables & Problem Solving practice: Play hit the button to practice 3, 6, 4, 8 times tables. Remember to challenge yourself and hit the answer!

Problem Solving: Fluffy the cat was lying asleep on the middle step and Barney the dog arrived and sat three steps above him. There were two steps between the dog and the top step. How many steps were there altogether?

Can you create your own problem to share with your family?


Maths & Numeracy: Rounding. Watch this maths antics video -


Play Rocket rounding to practice this skill:

Round these numbers to the nearest 10: 23, 58, 124, 957, 345.
Round these numbers to the nearest 100: 725, 198, 981, 824, 1823, 9234.
Round these numbers to the nearest 1000: 2827, 9143, 3342, 8755, 6954



Lunch & Play!

Prayers before and after lunch can be found here


Topic Time: Choose a historygeography or Health & Citizenship topic to learn about! Create a small presentation to share with your family.


Creativity! Make a junk model robot. Does it have a purpose?


Technology Time: 

Materials search. How many items in your home can you find that are made of wood/metal?
Why do you think these materials are used?
Could you think of a better material to use?
What would happen if the same items were made from cotton or paper?

The Glasgow Science Centre is uploading Daily Science Activities!


Ding! Ding!

Great work! Take some time to play, get active or relax and have family time!

Last week's activities:




Prayer: Take some time to reflect on the wonderful things we have, our families our friends and how we can help others and ourselves today.  School Prayers can be found here


Literacy: This week’s phonic sound is for “sion” words


Active Time!  Youtube “P.E with Joe”. 30 minute home exercise videos. These videos are shown live at 9am but you watch at a time that suits you.


Mindfulness colouring/storyline online.


Times Tables & Problem Solving practice: Play hit the button to practice 3, 6, 4, 8 times tables. Remember to challenge yourself and hit the answer! Problem solving: Play Bobby Bear, how many outfit combinations can you make?

Use the customise button to make this game more challenging.


Maths & Numeracy: To support your fractions home learning packs
watch this maths antics video -

Play these games to explore your learning.


Challenge: What fraction of the people who live in your home are in primary 4?



Lunch & Play!

Prayers before and after lunch can be found here


Topic Time: Choose a historygeography or Health & Citizenship topic to learn about! Create a small presentation to share with your family.


Creativity! Create a drawing/ painting/ collage using any scrap or spare materials around your house. Make the theme of your artwork “Kindness”.


Technology Time: 
Technology challenge: Have a look around your home. How many different types of technology can you find? Which
room has the most electrical devices? Talk to your grown-up and find out what they are used for.

Can you invent a piece of technology to make something at home easier? A robot that makes dinner? A machine that cleans all your clothes and irons them? Draw a detailed diagram of your invention.

The Glasgow Science Centre is uploading Daily Science Activities!


Ding! Ding!

Great work! Take some time to play, get active or relax and have family time!